Thursday, March 31, 2011

What might happen if they blend robotics with genetics

Author unknow

Animatronic Eye Mechanism-Human Eye

Animatronic Eyes

Infrastructure of the Flying Machine Arena

"The Flying Machine Arena consists of a 10x10x10m³ indoor space, with an additional control room attached to it. Nets on three sides and a transparent reinforced glass wall create an enclosed volume where autonomous vehicles can operate without endangering the surrounding space. The floor of the space is covered in impact-absorbing foam, reducing the damage incurred during crashes."

"The extensive physical infrastructure and hardware is complemented by specialized support software tools and libraries. These include a modular, platform-independent process framework, standardized components, a unified communication scheme with logging and playback, a distributed parameter system, visualization tools and a common support library."
Quadrocopter Ball Juggling

The Flying Machine Arena as of 2010 (Final Version)

Echo in Concert 

"One of our little quadrocopters, 'Echo', took some time off from her busy little schedule one evening and decided to play a little something for the holidays." 

3D TODAY #robots

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Icarus' dream

Festo - SmartBird

"SmartBird is an ultralight but powerful flight model with excellent aerodynamic qualities and extreme agility. With SmartBird, Festo has succeeded in deciphering the flight of birds - one of the oldest dreams of humankind."

"This bionic technology-bearer, which is inspired by the herring gull, can start, fly and land autonomously -- with no additional drive mechanism. Its wings not only beat up and down, but also twist at specific angles. This is made possible by an active articulated torsional drive unit, which in combination with a complex control system attains an unprecedented level of efficiency in flight operation. Festo has thus succeeded for the first time in creating an energy-efficient technical adaptation of this model from nature."

Animation SmartBird


Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Here he comes! stop drooling..

Duke Nukem Forever Extended Gameplay Footage

"We've added additional footage to this video shoot. At PAX East, though slightly forbidden, we were able to steal some video footage of the infamous and forever anticipated Duke Nukem Forever. Finally set to release in May 2011, this is early in-game footage of actual game play." HotHardwareVids

Leaked In-Game Footage: Duke Nukem Forever
"This morning at the PAX East show in Boston, MA -- though slightly forbidden, we were able to steal some video footage of the infamous and forever anticipated Duke Nukem Forever. Finally set to release in May 2011, the folllowing is early in-game footage of actual game play. Ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum ("and yeah, he's all outta gum"), Duke is actually looking pretty slick and the baddies, well, they're looking bad, as you'd expect..."

3D TODAY: (Saturday, January 22, 2011)
Duke Nukem Forever Reveal Trailer 

Friday, March 11, 2011

CryEngine 3 GDC 11 | All in one imaging techniques

3D games, Movies, digital special effects, synthetic imaging, all are merging progressively in one global technique...

CryEngine 3 GDC 11: Exclusive Tech Showcase HD

Interesting Links:

You guys must have seen it by now? The new Sandbox for CINEMA. 
If not then have a look here :

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Artificial Clones

While the synthetic Gemini are amazingly progressing, the extensive practice of plastic surgery is turning celebrities' faces into non-anatomical, aberrant masks. 
The public does not seem to bother at all, quite the opposite though. 
Meanwhile robotics in surgery are progressing fast enough for us to foresee a very intricated situation as well as an interesting "close science-fiction" scenario in which a geminius will look more human and natural than a living person who could have been surgicated, through a digital 3D process, by... a robot!
In an endless feedback loop process with partial recalls such as 
"I play in a XVIth century movie and need a genuine face for the role otherwise it would look as Julius Caesar using a cell phone"  Armand Dauré.

Hiroshi Ishiguro

Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro (石黒浩 Ishiguro Hiroshi) is director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, part of the Department of Adaptive Machine Systems (知能・機能創成工学専攻) at Osaka University, Japan. A notable development of the laboratory is the actroid, a humanoid robot with lifelike appearance and visible behaviour such as facial movements.

Geminoid. DK

"The first geminoid, HI-1, was created in 2005 by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro of ATR and the Tokyo-based firm, Kokoro. A geminoid is an android, designed to look exactly as its master, and is controlled through a computer system that replicates the facial movements of the operator in the robot."
"Associate Professor Henrik Scharfe decided to make a robot copy of himself. That is me, his Geminoid. I am being constructed in Japan while a new lab for me is being built at Aalborg U. That will be my new home."

Making the hands of the Geminoid

Geminoid-DK first smile

Geminoid test

Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University 
Female Android Geminoid F

Robot Looks Like Inventor

Now directing (actors) is reaching its full sense

Robot actress takes to the stage

Robot gets Job as Actroid-Human Bow down ..

Body Movement Analysis of Human-Robot Interaction 
By Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Michita Imai, and Tetsuo Ono.
Attached markers (left) and obtained 3D numerical position data of body movement (right)

This paper presents a method for analyzing human-robot interaction by body movements. Future intelligent robots will communicate with humans and perform physical and communicative tasks to participate in daily life. 


Latest Geminoid Is Incredibly Realistic
Japanese develop 'female' android

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Positive Spying

As said in the CBS News video, the difference between children's toys and adults' is the price. The team is not only doing an amazing, never seen before job, but they are actually having fun, marvelling at what they observe and record, just as we do.
When will all humans cherish, protect, respect, all animals all over the planet?

And for those who prefer fiction (especially in tricky 3D) here is the scenario: With far more sophisticated equipments, aliens have stuffed our planet, having fun watching us each saturday night (if they have a saturday, that is).

Super Spy Cams Film Cute Baby Polar Bear - Polar Bear: Spy on the ice.

Incredible rare footage of a baby polar bear in the wild, filmed using specialist spy cameras. Narrated by David Tennant.

Clever Polar Bear Stalks Seal - Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice.

A rare view of polar bears

CBS News

John Downer Productions Ltd.
A rare view of polar bears
Spy cams and the secret world of polar bears

Monday, March 7, 2011

Looking at the Invisible

Can you hear the unhearable? Can you see the unseeable? 
Common sens says no, adding "of course not".
Well check this out as it might give you access to what you thought impossible, therefore enrich your cerebral connections, and perhaps widen your fields of perception.

 New camera makes seeing the "invisible" possible 

"A group of researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla has developed a handheld camera that uses microwave signals to non-destructively peek inside materials and structures in real time." MissouriSandT 

Impossible colors
"Impossible colors are hues that can only be perceived under specific conditions. 
Examples of impossible colors are bluish-yellow and reddish-green.
This does not mean the muddy brown color created when mixing red and green paints, or the green color from yellow and blue, but completely unique "new" colors."

Have you ever seen the color bluish yellow?

Some people may be able to see the color "yellow-blue" in this image. Allow your eyes to cross until both + symbols are on top of each other.

 A graph or how the brain interprets color.

Hue scale 0—360°

Scientific America
"Impossible" Colors: See Hues That Can't Exist

"Red and green are called opponent colors because people normally cannot see redness and greenness simultaneously in a single color. The same is true for yellow and blue.
Researchers have long regarded color opponency to be hardwired in the brain, completely forbidding perception of reddish green or yellowish blue.
Under special circumstances, though, people can see the “forbidden” colors, suggesting that color opponency in the brain has a softwired stage that can be disabled.
In flickering light, people see a variety of geometric hallucinations with properties suggestive of a geometric opponency that pits concentric circles in opposition to fan shapes."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Everything is a Remix"

Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL

"Everything is a Remix" (EiaR) is produced using the following tools:

     Apple iMac
     WD My Book Studio II
     Behringer XM8500 Dynamic Microphone
     Zoom H4N
     Canon 7D
     SanDisk CF cards
     Final Cut Studio
     Adobe Production Premium
     Magic Bullet Looks
     MPEG Streamclip
     Default Folder X

and now remix of remix of remix!

Homages, Ripoffs, and Coincidences

Unforgetable Musics in Unforgetable Movies
# blast from the past

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yes 3D can be Analogic: Mr Beam

Mr Beam
"Two projectors create a real-life skinning effect on a simple, white living room.
We created a unique physical 3D video mapping experience by turning a white living room into a spacious 360° projection area."

"This technique allowed us to take control of all colors, patterns and textures of the furniture, wallpapers and carpet. All done with 2 projectors."

Music: Free the Robots - Jazzhole


Seen on:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Post production company's best demo ever (ze veree best)

Who is Jonathan Post?
"We are Jonathan Post, a small post production company based in São Paulo. Our goal is to develop visual effects that can be used in a creative way, and not only just as an effect for its visual appeal. We want to make effects that tell stories, and many times we aim to achieve them in a way that they're not noticeable."

3D no Glasses
"Launched in January 14th 2011, the video made its way through big internet sites reaching 2 million views in 2 days and almost 5 million in the first month."

3D No Glasses The Making Of