Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yes 3D can be Analogic: Mr Beam

Mr Beam
"Two projectors create a real-life skinning effect on a simple, white living room.
We created a unique physical 3D video mapping experience by turning a white living room into a spacious 360° projection area."

"This technique allowed us to take control of all colors, patterns and textures of the furniture, wallpapers and carpet. All done with 2 projectors."

Music: Free the Robots - Jazzhole


Seen on:


  1. Oh, this is very interesting stuff! Imagine what could be done for films with this technique. I love it! Yes, it's time for me to return to my 3D work. I'm ready for it again...

  2. Yes this is cleverly done, yet, in fact, not new. In the late 60' a frenchman named Jean-Jacques Lebel was projecting a movie of an actor's face on a giant white head and it was quite impressive!


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