Monday, March 7, 2011

Looking at the Invisible

Can you hear the unhearable? Can you see the unseeable? 
Common sens says no, adding "of course not".
Well check this out as it might give you access to what you thought impossible, therefore enrich your cerebral connections, and perhaps widen your fields of perception.

 New camera makes seeing the "invisible" possible 

"A group of researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla has developed a handheld camera that uses microwave signals to non-destructively peek inside materials and structures in real time." MissouriSandT 

Impossible colors
"Impossible colors are hues that can only be perceived under specific conditions. 
Examples of impossible colors are bluish-yellow and reddish-green.
This does not mean the muddy brown color created when mixing red and green paints, or the green color from yellow and blue, but completely unique "new" colors."

Have you ever seen the color bluish yellow?

Some people may be able to see the color "yellow-blue" in this image. Allow your eyes to cross until both + symbols are on top of each other.

 A graph or how the brain interprets color.

Hue scale 0—360°

Scientific America
"Impossible" Colors: See Hues That Can't Exist

"Red and green are called opponent colors because people normally cannot see redness and greenness simultaneously in a single color. The same is true for yellow and blue.
Researchers have long regarded color opponency to be hardwired in the brain, completely forbidding perception of reddish green or yellowish blue.
Under special circumstances, though, people can see the “forbidden” colors, suggesting that color opponency in the brain has a softwired stage that can be disabled.
In flickering light, people see a variety of geometric hallucinations with properties suggestive of a geometric opponency that pits concentric circles in opposition to fan shapes."

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