Friday, October 29, 2010

The Mars Project


Joel Levine: Why we need to go back to Mars

"I want to talk about 4.6 billion years of history in 18 minutes. That's 300 million years per minute. Let's start with the first photograph NASA obtained of planet Mars. This is fly-by, Mariner IV. It was taken in 1965. When this picture appeared, that well-known scientific journal, The New York Times, wrote, in its editorial, "Mars is uninteresting. It's a dead world. NASA should not spend any time or effort studying Mars anymore." Fortunately our leaders in Washington at NASA headquarters knew better. And we began a very extensive study of the red planet...'   
Joel Levine  ( Interactive Transcript) on:

 Colonizing Mars | The Human Mission to the Red Planet

 World Book at NASA | Mars
 Mars Exploration program (The Martian Mystique and Just for Kids)

 Road Trip to Mars, Sex Included

Google Mars

Mars exploration rover mission ( 3D Images)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Listen to the inner yourself

Monitoring your health with your mobile phone

"Imec and Holst Centre, together with TASS software professionals have developed a mobile heart monitoring system that allows to view your electrocardiogram on an Android mobile phone. The innovation is a low-power interface that transmits signals from a wireless ECG (electrocardiogram or heart monitoring)-sensor system to an android mobile phone..."

Hands Ballet

 Thanks @WaltPascoe!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Antique Typewriters - The Martin Howard Collection: Sterling 1

The history of mankind and civilisation is closely related to writing.
Each generation taking things for granted regardless of what was there before, usually considered as old, dusty, primitive, obsolete.
But modernity is and has always been there.
All of you keyboard addicts, please pay a visit to Martin's collection.
Each object is an amazement, a masterpiece of ingeniosity, a hymn to progress, as well as a vibrant tribute to our Mother: Yes, Necessity is the Mother of Invention!

About #typewritters
Opus for Typewriter   (
Antique Typewriters' photostream 
Antique Typewriters

NASA - Ultraviolet

"This mosaic of M31 merges 330 individual images taken by the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope aboard NASA's Swift spacecraft. It is the highest-resolution image of the galaxy ever recorded in the ultraviolet. Also known as the Andromeda Galaxy, M31 is more than 220,000 light-years across and lies 2.5 million light-years away. On a clear, dark night, the galaxy is faintly visible as a misty patch to the naked eye."
"The irregular shape of the image results when the more than 300 images were assembled to make the final image."
Image Credit: NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler (GSFC) and Erin Grand (UMCP)

True 21st century surgery: the Spider


SPIDER Surgery-- Single Incision Gallbladder Removal 

"SPIDER Surgery is enabled by an advanced, minimally-invasive surgical system. The system in introduced into the abdomen through a single, small incision. Once inside the abdomen, the system opens up to perform the surgery. After the surgery is complete, the system closes and is removed from the same small incision. The system uses flexible, catheter-based instruments.."

To learn more, visit

SPIDER surgical instrument looks like a proto-bush-robot

Gears on LSD

Monday, October 25, 2010

Floating cube optical illusion.

Simple cube optical illusion where we see what looks like floating or levitation.


1 million fps Slow Motion video of bullet impacts made by Werner Mehl from Kurzzeit

What you see here in slowmotion gives clear views of what happens on impact. 
Various types of bullets impacting matter of various strengh. 
The large blocs of "jello" are close to flesh. 
Next time you enjoy a movie or game involving guns and shooting, remember what a bullet really does to a body...

More High Speed Videos

via mattrece

"2fast2see is the premier community for enthusiasts and professionals in the practical, industrial and artistic usage of high speed video as well as photography..."
Brush Splash

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dried Up

Dried Up
Film Makers – Jeremy Casper, Stuart Bury, Isaiah Powers
Film Assistant – Regina Weller
Composer – Max Justus
Costumes – Anita Powers

“Dried Up” is the story of a quiet old man who, surrounded by desolation and apathy, perseveres to remain true to the nature of his own beliefs and character. He toils daily to forge a last ditch effort to bring hope and life to a faithless, drought ridden old town...
Making Of Dried Up


Camera, Software and Rigs
"...One of our first conversations about stop-motion was what software we were going to use. 
We new for a fact that we needed something stable and something that would control our camera. 
One of our classmates kept talking about Dragon Stop Motion. 
He would say stuff like, “It’s the only program you will ever need… you idiots!” He was right (about the software)"
"For the shooting we used a Canon XS..."     

Making Of Dried Up =>

Animation in Starts and Stops, Simplified
"For Stuart Bury, Jeremy Casper and Isaiah Powers, the path to a student Academy Award for their stop-motion animation cost less than $1,000, although it did require four months of often constant filming in Mr. Powers’s basement..."


Thursday, October 21, 2010

NASA - Sun and Moon

"On Oct. 7, 2010, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, observed its first lunar transit when the new moon passed directly between the spacecraft (in its geosynchronous orbit) and the sun. With SDO watching the sun in a wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light, the dark moon created a partial eclipse of the sun."

Image Credit: NASA


NASA - Crackling with Solar Flares

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Implants

Linus Hofmann - Compositing Reel 2010

Breakdown=> | PDF

"I am a keen VFX artist looking to specialise in the area of digital compositing. I am especially interested in working as a Nuke compositor in the field of high end feature film. I work well as part of a team, am highly motivated in improving my knowledge of the field and always looking to further my abilities as an artist. I am flexible and willing to relocate..."   Linus Hofmann.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hocus Pocus software

The incredible world of Diminished Reality

The most recent research project in the area of Diminished Reality by Jan Herling and Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Virtual Worlds / Digital Games, 2010.

>Voodoo Software Removes Objects From Video In Real Time
>>German university makes objects disappear in real time, will bring the magic to Android (video)

The fractals are orphans: Benoït Mandelbrot has died

Benoît B. Mandelbrot (20 November 1924 – 14 October 2010) was a Franco-American mathematician. Born in Poland, his family moved to France when he was a child. Mandelbrot spent much of his life living and working in the United States, acquiring dual French and American citizenship.

"Gold Nugget" Front cover of Benoît Mandelbrot's master piece "hazard & finance" Flammarion publisher (in french)

"The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of points in the complex plane, the boundary of which forms a fractal. The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex values of c for which the orbit of 0 under iteration of the complex quadratic polynomial zn+1 = zn2 + c remains bounded.[1] That is, a complex number, c, is in the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z0 = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of zn never exceeds a certain number (that number depends on c) however large n gets. The Mandelbrot set is named after Benoît Mandelbrot, who studied it..."

Fractal Zoom Mandelbrot Corner

A fractal zoom on a mandelbrot set, finishing on a dendrite area.
Made using XaoS (freeware program)

Search Google: Mandelbrot fractals
Search Google: Mandelbrot Wallpaper

Search Google: Mandelbrot 3D

Mandelbrot Applet

"This is the start page for the Mandelbrot Applet. The Mandelbrot Set is one type of fractal, and besides it's mathematical value it can be aesthetically pleasing. One of the interesting properties of the Mandelbrot Set is that it can be arbirtrarily magnified, and while some elements will look similar to other areas of the Set no part will be exactly the same. In practice however there is a maximum magnification caused by the limited precision of the computer - increasing the precision further would be considerably slower. Please note that Java must be installed for the Applet to work (and apparently it is installed in your browser)."

Mandelbrot Exporer

"Mandelbrot Explorer runs on Windows PCs (2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 2008 Server, Windows 7), and needs the Microsoft .NET Framework (version 2.0 or later) to run. The .NET Framework is part of Windows Vista, 2008 Server and Windows 7; those running Windows 2000, XP or 2003 Server will need to install it separately (if you haven't done so already)."

About Fractal # 3D TODAY

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sealed Friendship

Heart breaking grace.


Build Your World and Play In It

Build Your World and Play In It: Interacting with Surface Particles on Complex Objects
(ISMAR 2010) by Brett Jones

 "We present a novel way of interacting with everyday objects by representing content as interactive surface particles.
Users can build their own physical world, map virtual content onto their physical construction and play directly with the surface using a stylus.
A surface particle representation allows programmed content to be created independent of the display object and to be reused on many surfaces.
We demonstrated this idea through a projector-camera system that acquires the object geometry and enables direct interaction through an IR tracked stylus.
We present three motivating example applications, each displayed on three example surfaces. We discuss a set of interaction techniques that show possible avenues for structuring interaction on complicated everyday objects, such as Surface Adaptive GUIs for menu selection.
Through an informal evaluation and interviews with end users, we demonstrate the potential of interacting with surface particles and identify improvements necessary to make this interaction practical on everyday surfaces."  Brett R. Jones, Rajinder Sodhi, Roy H. Campbell, Guy Garnett, Brian P. Bailey.

Brettrjones on Vimeo
Paper (PDF)

Found here =>

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whatever you Say Wherever you Are

The AudioScope consists of 300 microphones and a wide angle camera

"Audioscope is a high-performance audio capturing system which allows the user to record and zoom in on sound sources like you zoom in on visual images with a camera. Through a highly intuitive graphical user-interface with an overview video monitor, the operator selects the on-screen source which he or she wishes to focus on. All the sound from the selected source is amplified while the surrounding noise is suppressed. Up to five sources of interest can be selected simultaneously. In a ball game the operator can listen to both coaching benches, the referee and follow the game on the pitch."  SquareHead

Audio zoom picks out lone voice in the crowd
Article by Catherine de Lange

Super-Microphone Picks Out Single Voice in a Crowded Stadium
Article by Charlie Sorrel

Body Morphing Software

"We present a system for quick and easy manipulation of the body shape and proportions of a human actor in arbitrary video footage. 
The approach is based on a morphable model of 3D human shape and pose that was learned from laser scans of real people. 
The algorithm commences by spatio-temporally fitting the pose and shape of this model to the actor in either single-view or multi-view video footage. 
Once the model has been fitted, semantically meaningful attributes of body shape, such as height, weight or waist girth, can be interactively modified by the user. 
The changed proportions of the virtual human model are then applied to the actor in all video frames by performing an image-based warping.
By this means, we can now conveniently perform spatio-temporal reshaping of human actors in video footage which we show on a variety of video sequences..."          (Arjun Jain, Thorsten Thormählen, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt ) 

PDF MovieReshape: Tracking and Reshaping of Humans in Videos

More information: mpi-inf.mpg.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 25 Useful Plugins & Tutorials | Noupe

Brain Anatomy

Interactive feature=> Stimulate the brain 

The brain is our primary control center, a fantastically complex organ containing billions of nerves that can simultaneously process information from our bodizs, operate our internal organs, generate thoughts and emotions, store and recall memoriesz, and control movement.
Scientists have studied the brain for centuries and are nowhere near to fully understanding its intricacies.

Inhibiting the Inhibitions

Prof. Allan Snyder (University of Sydney)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

30 Auto Completion Scripts for Better User Experience

"When developing web applications and you need to allow users of your application to choose some data like countries, currencies or even tags from a drop down, list or even from a text box, and the data is very large. You need to use an auto completion or suggestion script to make this task easier for the end user. You can always implement your own script if you have the knowledge and the time to do this, but if you can’t then you can use a ready to use script. In this article I compiled a list of 30 Auto Completion Scripts to use in you projects..."    Ahmad Hania
Take a tour to look at this article! >>

27 New and Fabulous 3D Tutorials in Photoshop

Tutorials =>

The Birth of a Hummingbird

The speaker with a spinning tweeter

MSD PlanetMSD Planet

Each part is machinecut then held together with bolts, rather than welded, to ensure total sonic accuracy

The one-inch diamond tweeter rotates around the mid-range speaker to bounce sound perfectly round your front room...


Graphene Will Change the Way We Live

"The theory behind the substance graphene was first explored by theoretical physicist Philip Wallace in 1947 as kind of a starting point when he was doing research trying to understand the electronic properties of more complex, 3D graphite. although the name graphene wasn't actually coined until 40 years later, where it was used to describe single sheets of graphite..."           Michio Kaku

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dramatically different percepts between foveal and peripheral vision

When viewed foveally, the fields surrounded by black and the fields surrounded by white appear to modulate out of phase with each other.
When viewed in the periphery, the fields modulate in phase with each other.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A serious balloon

The giant airships which can carry entire buildings hundreds of miles
"Giant balloons that can carry loads over long distances could one day even transport entire buildings.
Australian firm Skylifter is developing a piloted airship that will carry up to 150 tonnes more than 1,200 miles.
They hope that the vehicles could one day carry rural hospitals and disaster-relief centres to remote areas..."

 More about Air in 3D TODAY

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Creating a Fantasy ‘Nightscape’ in Photoshop | Design Reviver

In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a dark composition that would be chiefly enhanced by Adjustment Layers and for other effects in the image, the use of Smart Object/Filters we also be highlighted.
Tutorial by David Ella Ella >>

Duelling Kermits

Once again proven: necessity is the mother of invention and talent is genuine.

 Just in case you didn't notice or didn't click, here is the message (the medium is not always the message but the messenger) 

It doesn't have to cost you money to help homeless people in need >>

Is the universe spiraling?

Spiral Extraordinaire

"Scientists have yet to discover what caused the strange spiral structure. Nor do they know why it glows. The glow may be caused by light reflected from nearby stars. As for the spiral itself, current supposition is that this is the result of a star in a binary star system entering the planetary nebula phase, when its outer atmosphere is ejected. Given the expansion rate of the spiral gas, a new layer must appear about every 800 years, a close match to the time it takes for the two stars to orbit each other. The above image was taken in near-infrared light by the Hubble Space Telescope."

The Energy Scale >
 Spiral Extraordinaire >>

Monday, October 4, 2010

Combine Stock Photography to Create a Sleepy Japanese Village in Photoshop | Psdtuts+

 Tutorial >

Wifi Eyes

Panoramic Wifi Camera

The Wifi Camera is a camera that takes "pictures" of spaces illuminated by wifi in much the same way that a traditional camera takes pictures of spaces illuminated by visible light.

The very first camera we built, as exhibited in Riga for RIXC/Waves in 2006.

"The Panoramic Wifi Camera takes ‘pictures’ of spaces illuminated by wireless radio signals, in much the same way that a traditional camera takes pictures through visible light. 
In effect, it is a camera which captures the invisible. 
Wireless radio networks are increasingly part of our daily lives throughout the developed world. The camera reveals the topology of this electromagnetic ecology, or ‘Hertzian space’, showing that even our own bodies cast their ‘shadows’. 
Wifi uses wireless radio signals in the of 2.4 Ghz range which behave similarly to light waves, in that they are reflected off almost all solid objects. When we perceive colours, we see the light that is reflected off an object into our eyes.."

Single Pixel Wifi Camera
The single pixel wifi camera is built from a directional antenna made of wasabe pea cans, which have the perfect diameter to act as a highly directional wave guide antenna for Wifi radio waves, which have a wavelength of 12.5 cm.

Wifi Camera Obscura. First draft 02 2006

"The camera obscura, just like a large pinhole camera, is a dark room that has one wall punctured by a small hole. Light comes through the hole and projects an inverted image of the exterior scene against the opposite wall..."