Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Arthur Sacek Lego "3D Printer"

Arthur Sacek "3D printer"

This model was developed by Arthur Sacek for ZOOM Education for Life.

Thanks João Ferreira @whylt joaoferreiradesign.posterous.com

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Seethrough Micro Molding

Sensing Surfaces with GelSight

Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor
"Our microgeometry capture system consists of an elastomeric sensor and a high-magnification camera (a). 
The retrographic sensor replaces the BRDF of the subject with its own (b)
allowing microscopic geometry (in this case, human skin) to be accurately captured (c)
The same principles can be applied to a portable system (d) that can measure surface detail rapidly and easily; again human skin (e)."

Example geometry measured with the bench and portable configurations.
Outer image: rendering under direct lighting. 
Inset: macro photograph of original sample. 
Scale shown in upper left. 
Color images are shown for context and are to similar, but not exact scale.

Exploring the Potential of GelSight

Do not forget nature is in 3D too

Oregon, USA
xea's posterous http://xea.posterous.com/do-not-forget-nature-is-in-3d-too email

Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's printed and it flies!

Engineers fly world's first 'printed' aircraft
ScienceDaily (Aug. 2, 2011) — Engineers at the University of Southampton have designed and flown the world's first 'printed' aircraft, which could revolutionise the economics of aircraft design.

SULSA is the world's first 'printed' aircraft. (Credit: Project SULSA UAV)

The SULSA (Southampton University Laser Sintered Aircraft) plane is an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) whose entire structure has been printed, including wings, integral control surfaces and access hatches. It was printed on an EOS EOSINT P730 nylon laser sintering machine, which fabricates plastic or metal objects, building up the item layer by layer...
More > sciencedaily.com