Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Power of Zeus (2400x1586)
"Why is this plasma so hot? Physicists aren't sure. What is known for sure is that the Z Machine running at Sandia National Laboratories created a plasma that was unexpectedly hot. 
The plasma reached a temperature in excess of two billion Kelvin, making it arguably the hottest human made thing ever in the history of the Earth and, for a brief time, hotter than the interiors of stars. 
The Z Machine experiment, pictured above, purposely creates high temperatures by focusing 20 million amps of electricity into a small region further confined by a magnetic field. 
Vertical wires give the Z Machine its name. 
During the unexpected powerful contained explosion, the Z machine released about 80 times the world's entire electrical power usage for a brief fraction of a second. 
Experiments with the Z Machine are helping to explain the physics of Solar flares, design more efficient nuclear fusion plants, test materials under extreme heat, and gather data for the computer modeling of nuclear explosions. "
The Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. Operated by Sandia National Laboratories, it gathers data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons. The Z machine is located at Sandia's main site in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Life saving 3D engineering

British Engineer Designs Own Heart Valve Implant, Saves Own Life
Article by Dan Nosowitz

"In 2000, Tal Golesworthy, a British engineer, was told that he suffers from Marfan syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissue that often causes rupturing of the aorta. The only solution then available was the pairing of a mechanical valve and a highly risky blood thinner. To an engineer like Golesworthy, that just wasn't good enough. So he constructed his own implant that does the job better than the existing solution--and became the first patient to try it... >> :

UK engineer develops own life-saving implant
Article by Ellie Zolfagharifard

"A serious heart problem inspired UK engineer Tal Golesworthy to develop a device that offers hope not just for himself but for thousands of other patients with the same condition.

In 2000, Tal Golesworthy, a process engineer from Tewkesbury, was told that the aortic root in his heart had expanded to 4.8cm and was in danger of splitting. He had two choices; undergo surgery to insert a mechanical valve or risk a sudden and fatal heart attac..." >>

External aortic root support for Marfan syndrome: early clinical results in the first 20 recipients
with a bespoke implant.

Monday, January 24, 2011

At last a positive thinking about the 3D delusion

Walter Murch

Why 3D doesn't work and never will. Case closed.

..."The biggest problem with 3D, though, is the "convergence/focus" issue. A couple of the other issues -- darkness and "smallness" -- are at least theoretically solvable. But the deeper problem is that the audience must focus their eyes at the plane of the screen -- say it is 80 feet away. This is constant no matter what.

But their eyes must converge at perhaps 10 feet away, then 60 feet, then 120 feet, and so on, depending on what the illusion is. So 3D films require us to focus at one distance and converge at another. And 600 million years of evolution has never presented this problem before. All living things with eyes have always focussed and converged at the same point.

If we look at the salt shaker on the table, close to us, we focus at six feet and our eyeballs converge (tilt in) at six feet. Imagine the base of a triangle between your eyes and the apex of the triangle resting on the thing you are looking at. But then look out the window and you focus at sixty feet and converge also at sixty feet. That imaginary triangle has now "opened up" so that your lines of sight are almost -- almost -- parallel to each other..." Walter Murch

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fart Power

This is the test firing of NASA's new Methane rocket, which could be the key to deep space exploration, because methane is very prominent in space, and could be easily harvested, reducing launch costs.
NASA - Methane engine test fire  (

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cyber Choir

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'

"185 voices. 243 tracks. 12 countries. A choir unlike any other. What started as a simple social media experiment, has become a poetic metaphor of our shared humanity and the power of connection.." 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Creative Gaming Kinect Hacks

Skeleton Calibration Pose

Call of Duty FPS on Kinect Hack with Wiimote

This Hack uses FAAST, OpenNi/Nite and GlovePIE to bring COD to Kinect, WiiMote and Windows 7.

Doom on Kinect Hack

Legend Of Zelda on Kinect Hack

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Principles of Digital Image Synthesis

Principles of Digital Image Synthesis (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) 
by Andrew S. Glassner.
"This is a two-volume book on the basic ideas behind using a computer to create realistic, synthetic images of 3D scenes. The book is constructed upon three basic fields of knowledge, which I believe form the basis for all modern forms of digital image synthesis: the human visual system, signal processing, and energy transport..."

 Check out Eric's excellent presentation at:

 “Principles of Digital Image Synthesis” now free for download

Friday, January 14, 2011

3D Modeling precious fundamentals

Remember those "painting" software ads saying you would paint like Rembrandt or Van Gogh?

Of course not! Besides the absurdity of using a software that will  make you paint like a master of the past, access to creation cannot be prosthetic and demands skills.

There is no magic, stricto sensu, in softwares, despites the first steps ending up with amazing rubish results.

Andrew Mc Donald is giving us here a master class for beginners (and not only) enlighting what should be obvious: 3D is deeply and strongly rooted in a long time history and is named Sculpture!

Volume must be understood, felt, experienced, and mastered.

A long time ago, when life was in black and white, an old artist teaching drawing, had his motto:
What is drawing? drawing is seeing, looking at what you see, understanding what you see, and reporting it on the paper.

Well,  Andrew's brilliant suggestion is of the same wiseness and a perfect introduction to 3D: learn, feel, and understand, the tangibility of  matter, virtual or not.    Armand Dauré

Who is Andrew McDonald?
Andrew McDonald is a Modeling Supervisor @ Animal Logic in Sydney, Australia. Andrew has a background in industrial design and has been in the digital effects industry for nine years. He has worked at a number of studios including Ambience Entertainment, Animal Logic, and The Moving Picture Company. His main film credits include Happy Feet, Harry Potter 5 and 6, 10,000 BC, Fred Claus, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Sweeney Todd, Watchmen, Australia, Knowing, Legend of the Guardians, and Suckerpunch (2011).

3D Modeling Secrets | The Fundamentals

Thursday, January 13, 2011

DIY Scanners | DAVID

How to make a 3D scanner
3D scanner DAVID

DAVID is a freeware software that allows you to scan/digitize three-dimensional objects.
What do I need to build a 3D scanner?
- A camera (e.g. web cam)
- A hand-held line laser (starting at €19.90)
- Two plain boards in the background
- A Windows PC
- Our free software DAVID-laserscanner


Monday, January 10, 2011

Let's go graphic

Resourceful paper cougar.

Hilarious: Corporate mathematics

Geek = Curiosity+Fun

11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks

3D Scanner for iPhone

3D Scanner for iPhone


"The world's first 3D scanner for iPhone is here. Instantly capture 3D models of yourself, friends, and family, and share the amazing results with the world.

Trimensional uses both the screen and the front-facing camera on your iOS device, detecting patterns of light reflected off your face to build a true 3D model.

Not only is it incredible technology, but it's incredibly fun! Capture goofy expressions, view your face from any angle, and customize the look of the 3D rendering before sending it off to all of your friends."

-Capture your own 3D scans
-Browse your 3D scan library
-Rotate and zoom your 3D models
-Pick from 6 different 3D rendering modes
-View a 3D slideshow
-Email images directly to friends
-Save images to camera roll for posting to the web

"So, turn out the lights, turn up your screen brightness, and get ready for your close-up as you capture 3D scans using your iPhone 4 or 2010 iPod Touch*. For best results, an extremely dark room is required and iPhone screen brightness must be set to maximum."

3D model exporting is coming to Trimensional v1.02.

Trimensional: Grant Schindler

You cannot separate Milk from the Color of Milk

R. P. Feynman and the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Revolutionary Aerospace Solutions for Transport

Hybrid Air Vehicles Prototype Airship in Flight

"This is the HAV prototype Hybrid Airship. That means it's slightly heavier than air and it uses lift generated by forward motion to keep it in the air. This makes it much easier to handle when it's on the ground. The Lockheed P-791 is similar to this in concept but appears to not be so well designed aerodynamically."

HAV are one of the bidders for the Pentagon's "Long Endurance Surveillance Vehicle" (LEMV).

Hybrid Air Vehicles

The new vehicle set to revolutionise the skies

A serious balloon
Lighter than Air

3D TODAY: Revolutionary Aerospace Solutions for Transport

Beautifully Detailed Supercomputer Simulations

"Inside the world's most powerful computers, simulated reality allows scientists to go to impossible places: through the blood-brain barrier, beneath a shaking earthquake fault, and straight into the heart of a supernova."


3D TODAY: Beautifully Detailed Supercomputer Simulations

Friday, January 7, 2011

Extinct Insect Completely Reconstructed in 3-D

ScienceDaily    " Its stay on this planet was actually meant to be a very short one. Male twisted-wing parasites (Strepsiptera) usually have a life span of only few hours. However, accidentally a specimen of Mengea tertiara, about the size of an aphid, became preserved for 'eternity': during its wedding flight about 42 million years ago it was caught in a drop of tree resin and subsequently almost perfectly conserved in a piece of amber..."

Anaglyph image in 3D: 
3D-reconstruction of the fossilized twisted-wing Mengea tertiaria (Strepsiptera) from approx. 
42 million years ago (colon green, musculature red, nervous system yellow). 
Insect researchers at german University Jena have reconstructed a fossile conserved in a piece of amber with the help micro-computer tomography. 
(Credit: Hans Pohl/University Jena).

First Tweet:

3D TODAY: Extinct Insect Completely Reconstructed in 3-D

Blast from the Past 13 | A Streetcar Named Desire

"A Streetcar Named Desire is a 1947 play written by American playwright Tennessee Williams for which he received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1948. The play opened on Broadway on December 3, 1947, and closed on December 17, 1949, in the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. 
The Broadway production was directed by Elia Kazan and starred Marlon Brando, Jessica Tandy, Kim Hunter, and Karl Malden. 
The London production opened in 1949 with Bonar Colleano, Vivien Leigh, and Renee Asherson and was directed by Laurence Olivier."

3D TODAY: Blast from the Past 13 | A Streetcar Named Desire

First tweet:

Crowded baby bat clinic a barometer for Australia's bad weather

The Eerie Sound of Amit Zoran’s Objet 3D Printed Flute Modeled in Rhino

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Out of Homelessness

Ted Williams' story part 1
An amazing good news to start the new year with: This man has a real talent, yet was on the loose. Now he is back to life and check out how different he looks! How many like him deserve a better life? All we need is brotherly love...

Meet the homeless man with the golden radio voice... and now he is set to make a million
Homeless Man With Incredible Radio Voice

Added on 01 10 2011
Ted Williams' story part 2
Ted Williams - Meets His Mother For First Time in 20 Years 

3D TODAY: Out of Homelessness

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Universe in Color by Robert Gendler

How it is done
(Processing done using Fits Liberator and PS CS2)
M57, Planetary Nebula in Lyra

Color CCD Imaging with Luminance Layering

Color CCD imaging poses many unique challenges and frustrations to the astroimager. Despite these difficulties beautifully aesthetic color images are obtainable using a new innovative technique developed by astroimagers
Step by Step Assembly of an LRGB Image using Photoshop 5.5.
Luminance Layering technique can greatly enhance the amateurs ability to successfully produce high quality color CCD astroimages. I hope the above guidelines will help amateurs get started with this new innovative technique.

3D TODAY: The Universe in Color by Robert Gendler

Meanwhile on Earth (but getting closer to the sky)

'Florida One', Video by Boeing

More > Meanwhile on earth

Meanwhile on Earth (but not that much)

This definitely falls into the category of they COULDN'T pay me enough. Phew! just wait for the cartoon intro to finish, then hold on to your seat. Guaranteed to make your butt pucker. kinda long but watch to the end if you can tolerate it.... I wanna know how he get's down!

More> Meanwhile on earth

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh no! We are living in a second-hand universe!

Have scientists discovered proof our universe wasn't the first?
Article by Carol Pinchefsky  
"Other universes have been theorized for years—just about every sci-fi TV show has an episode where characters from the universe next door pop in to wreak havoc on our heroes—but now this theory has been bolstered by photographic evidence..."

In memoriam...Seven Most Memorable Musician Deaths in 2010

Article by

3D TODAY: In memoriam...Seven Most Memorable Musician Deaths in 2010

Keying is the Key

Graphic Violence

Made with: After Effects, Premiere, 3ds Max, Rayfire.
Music: "City Sounds" and "Untold Story" by Sycamore Drive

Graphic Violence - Making Of

"Stuff used: A building, a green screen, Sam and Niko, After Effects, Adobe Premiere (yeah, that's right!), Rayfire / 3DS Max."

"The Paint Filter Effect is done with the following After Effects filters (in order): Levels (for contrast), Cartoon (2 steps, fill only), Tint (for color)." CorridorDigital
Music: Sycamore Drive - City Sounds

That was called Groovy

Watermelon Man: Herbie Hancock
Herbie Hancock plays "Watermelon Man" on Elvis Costello's Spectacle

Bear Love

via: Love at first bite: The incredible story of how BBC cameraman filmed world's deadliest bears - and ended up introducing them to his children.