Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quantum Weirdness

Quantum weirdness wins again: Entanglement clocks in at 10,000+ times faster than light "No matter how many times researchers try, there's just no getting around the weirdness of quantum mechanics..." article by JR Minkel

    About Quantum Weirdness 
    "Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) theory has developed to be the theory that defines almost all of the understanding of our physical universe.    It is the most successful theory of our time to describe the way microscopic, and at least to some extent, macroscopic things work..."

    Quantum Weirdness! What the BLEEP Do We Know!?

      Quantum Weirdness  
      "One physics experiment that is fascinating to contemplate is the double-slit experiment. You shine a light through a slit in a wall onto a light-sensitive screen behind it, and you get an exposure of light in the form of a single vertical line behind the slit..."

      Sunlight takes about 8 minutes, 19 seconds to reach Earth.

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