Saturday, May 1, 2010


Animusic is computer animated music where virtual instruments perform music on their own, precisely playing each note.

"Resonant Chamber"

"Pipe Dream"
Creating the Animusic DVDs - Part 1

Animusic is a content creation company focused exclusively on computer animation of music.

Compagny History
"Animusic's founder Wayne Lytle began to envision algorithmically synchronizing music and animation over 25 years ago - in 1982. It wasn't until 1989 that he first began experimenting with music-driven computer animation. His first full multi-instrument music animation "More Bells and Whistles" premiered in the Electronic Theater at SIGGRAPH 1990. It has since won awards and been shown in various contexts world-wide. In 1991 Lytle received an award from IBM for his early work in music animation..." Read more

"Animusic uses a production pipeline based on proprietary software we call ANIMUSIC|studio. It is a MIDI sequencer and animation system based on a visual programming language (looks like boxes connected with wires). At the core is our motion generation software library (in its 5th generation) which we have come to call MIDImotion.

None of our software is currently available commercially (some of the reasoning is discussed in this newsletter), although it is possible that we will release a software product at some point in the future (many people have encouraged us to do so).. Read more

Animusic in Education

Student Paul Wade (left) gets instruction from Gregory Brown.

Work with Animusic!
"Animusic is always interested in hearing from talented people with a passion for animation and music, or for writing great software (especially interactive 3D). Most of our creative work occurs at our production facility in Ithaca, NY (map, city info). 
We tend to wear several hats at the same time, and are more than happy to share these hats with others." These areas include:

 C++ development (VC++, OOD, Qt, OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph)
 Modeling (Softimage XSI, primarily)
 CG Cameras, Lighting, Compositing
 Shader development (Renderman, OpenGL, etc.)
 Pipeline tools, IT, frame wrangling
 Photoshop, After Effects
 Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro
 Web design, Flash, html, etc.
 Video game development
 Visual art
 Graphic Design and Pre-press
 MIDI, Digital Audio, Sound Design
 Production/Project management

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