Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Turn on, Tune in, Drop out

An amazing (figuratively) trip through our celestial suburbs! Our suggestion: shut down the
music and play your own (we recommand Terry Riley).

SCaN Celestia

Space Communications and Navigation

"Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) is responsible for providing communications services for all of NASA's missions.

This interactive demonstration shows how SCaN's ground and space based facilities interact with NASA assets in space.

The demonstration can be used on the Windows and Mac platforms.

To download the software, click the appropriate download link on the right. On Windows, run the installer and proceed through the installation as instructed. On OS X, double click the zip file to unarchive it, double click the resulting disk image, then drag the SCaNCelestia app to your Applications folder."

There is a Text Description of the demonstration.

SCaN Demonstration Download nasa.gov

Posted via web from xea's posterous

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