Monday, March 22, 2010

Video shows CCP's incredible cloth and hair simulation - Massively

"We've known for some time that CCP planned to use physics simulation to make the clothes in EVE Online's Incarna expansion and their upcoming World of Darkness MMO more realistic. They even gave a talk on using NVidia's APEX cloth simulation at the 2010 Game Developer's Conference. Until now, all we've seen are technical details and the occasional screenshot, which makes it hard to work out how the end product will look." 
Read  article by Brendan Drain

"Physically simulated clothing and hair by CCP. The cloth train interacts with the environment and doesnt become tangled while moving 360 degrees. In addition, the hair is also simulated using APEX Clothing and interacts with hand movements and shows secondary motion while walking.
The demo uses PhysX 2.8.3 and a beta release of APEX Clothing. "

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