Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nasa's Gamer's Dream Screen

The HyperWall / Nasa

NAS researches have created a visualization cluster that uses multiples coordinated displays for interactive exploration of multidimensional or multivariate data and computations.
The system strongly leverages the human visual system for integration, synthesis and pattern discrimination in hight-dimensional data spaces.
More than 64 millions pixels distribued over 55 square feet of viewing surface, with 100 Gb/s of visual output.
Applications in aerospace engineering, computational chemistry, climate and weather modeling, (bio)nanetechnology, computational cosmology and astrophysics, neuroscience...
Take a tour: NASA Hyper Wall

Outer space: Nasa's multi-screen wonder wall

"Used for a multitude of purposes, from weather and national disaster observations to displaying images from Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope - as shown here - the quarter-of-a-billion-pixel, 128-screen, 23ft-wide LCD array is the world's highest-resolution display system..."
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