Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Size of the Universe

The size of the universe at 46.5 billion light years!
The Hubble Deep Field The Most Important Image Ever Taken
"This is the latest incarnation of the HDF video. The narration has been edited to include research from a paper in Physical Review Letters (2004) which puts the size of the universe at 46.5 billion light years, not 78 billion as I originally stated." tdarnell


The Size of the Universe: A Hard Question by Ethan Siegel

Ethan Siegel is a theoretical astrophysicist who currently teaches at Lewis & Clark College in Portland.
Read this article!  Scienceblogs

Kepler Will Be Used to Measure the Size of the Universe
Read this article by Ian O’Neill ! Universe Today 



Ian O' Neill
Take a tour to his very interesting blog!

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