"A Japanese company has unveiled a robotic suit that is designed to help people with weak limbs or limited physical range to walk and move like an able-bodied person." by Claudine Beaumont. Technology Editor (Published: 3:48PM BST 03 Aug 2009)
Exoskeletons Are on the March / ieeSpectrum

Photo: Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images
BIONIC BODY / ieeSpectrum
Look at the photo Gallery of exoskeletons and wearable robotic systems in the U.S., Europe, and Asia!

Photo: University of Tsukuba
"HAL-5, developed at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, is a powered robotic suit that can help elderly and disabled people walk and carry things."
What's "HAL" (Hybrid Assistive Limb®)?/ Cyberdyne

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