Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Space Adventure: meanwhile on Earth...Part 2

The Space Adventure: meanwhile on Earth...Part 2

Iakov Afanassiev (Yakov Afanasyev)

"My overall research objective is to better understand the dynamical processes that govern the behavior of the stratified and rotating fluid that comprise the Earth's oceans, so as to improve upon existing capacity to predict evolution of complex geophysical fluid dynamical processes.
In pursuing this goal I have come to rely upon an approach combining theoretical, experimental and numerical techniques. 
This is an exciting area of research, as it gives us insight into fundamental oceanic and atmospheric physics, and also has relevance to our interaction with the environment." 
Iakov Afanassiev
Jets and vortices in the atmospheres and oceans of the rotating planets

Laboratory model shows zonal currents and vortices similar to those occurring in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The topography of the water surface is visualized in color by optical altimetry. 

The soap bubble when placed on a rapidly rotating table can model a planetary atmosphere or an ocean. Convective motions within the bubble create color pattern due to interference of light.
Baroclinic instability of the coastal current in the rotating tank.

This video shows baroclinic instability modeled in the rotating tank. The baroclinic meanders are often observed in satellite images of the coastal ocean. In our experiment the flow is visualized by optical altimetry.

Laboratory modeling demonstrates the dynamics of the flow generated by a cylinder moving either Eastward or Westward on the polar beta plane. Polar beta plane is modeled in a rotating layer of fluid with parabolic free surface. One can see von Karman vortex streets behind the cylinder as well as inverted vortex streets and Rossby waves. The surface of the fluid is visualized by optical altimetry.

For more details see (Iakov Afanassiev)

Architectural works

 Iakov Afanassiev (Yakov Afanasyev)
A wee(d) bit of History

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