Thursday, March 18, 2010

An intimate portrait of our sun!

An intimate portrait of our sun!
Many of the images that appear in the new and improved viewer are "near-real time" and come from a variety of NASA Missions.

Extreme Ultraviolet image Soho Mission

Large angle and spectrometric coronagraph (Lasco C3)
Soho Mission

The solar cycle

Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE)
satellite image of the sun

Why is the sun hot?
What are sunspots?
What are solar flares and coronal mass ejections?
What do we hope to learn about the sun?
What is the solar wind?
Why do we monitor the solar wind?
What is the earth's magnetosphere?
How large is the earth's magnetosphere?
Can we see the earth's magnetosphere?
What would happen if earth didn't have a magnetosphere?
What is an aurora?
Where can I see an aurora?
Why are auroras different colors?
How far south can you see the Northern lights?
What can an aurora tell us about the sun-earth connection?
What is the connection between?
Stereo (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory)

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