Thursday, February 4, 2010

Imaging Imagine

Might be called Minimal Brain Activity yet a great discovery allowing communication beyond what was known.
The first scan at the CBU, 2005

Common supplementary motor area activation in volunteers who are asked to imagine playing tennis. We have previously reported similar responses in a patient diagnosed as vegetative state (Owen et al., Science, 2006)
Differences in brain metabolism measured in brain death and the vegetative state, compared with healthy subjects. Patients in brain death show an ‘empty-skull sign’, clearly different from what is seen in vegetative patients, in whom brain metabolism is massively and globally decreased (to 40-50% of normal values) but not absent. (Taken from Laureys, 2005)


Images from an fMRI machine showed that when the patient was asked a specific question and told to respond in a specific way, the same areas of his brain lit up as in a healthy person.

read more:

 Dr Adrian Owen

 Daily Mail    Patient in a vegetative state 'talks' to scientists by Jenny Hope.

Think tennis for yes, home for no: how doctors helped man in vegetative state

BBC News Vegetative state
Vegetative state patients can respond to questions by Fergus Walsh

Vegetative state

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