Last polar bear by Arne Naevra
The device was simple, yet efficent: tomorrow we will get the same weather as today...
If I simply apply this to nowaday's global warming threat, it seems to me that not much has changed and if it has, it seems much more to get colder than warmer.
Armand Dauré
Climategate debate by Frank Warner
To skeptics, it's proof positive of a hoax. Scientists insist they are misunderstood.
Scientific debate rarely titillates the masses. But this one -- involving computer espionage, ancient tree rings and a Penn State global warming professor -- has sparked a worldwide firestorm.
It started with a computer hacker, who has remained anonymous in the 21/2 weeks since he cracked into the account of a British climate researcher and blasted private e-mails all over the Internet.
The e-mails are provocative and often blunt. They reveal a stubborn reluctance among global warming scientists to disclose their raw data and calculations. Global warming skeptics say the exchanges also expose a deliberate manipulation of more: THE MORNING CALL
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