Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gravity Wells

This chart shows the "depth" of various solar system gravity wells.
Each well is scaled such that rising out of a physical well of that depth in constant earth surface gravity would take the same energy as escaping from that planet's gravity in reality.
Each planet is show cut in half at the bottom of its well, with the depth of the well measured down to the planet's flat surface.
The planet sizes are to the same scale as the wells. Interplanetery distances are not to scale.
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Online Talent Show

A producer from Uruguay who uploaded a short film to YouTube in November 2009 has been offered a $30m (£18.6m) contract to make a Hollywood film.

Source: BBC NEWS YouTube video leads to Hollywood contract

A Brain Cell is the Same as the Universe

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photographs and a very good Photoshop tutorial

Quite many people are fascinated by HDR pictures and wonder how they are done, thinking it demands professional equipment and software.
Here you have a series of HDR photographs and a clear, easy to understand and follow tutorial, using a simple digital camera and Photoshop.
Enjoy and feel free to send us the results!

The Best HDR Photographs of 2009  DESIGNORA

1 - Beautifully Dead by ViaMoi
2 - Groovik's Cube at Sunrise by Michael Holden
3 - Midnight Adventure in the Japanese Cemetery by Stuck in Customs
4 - Taxi Newyork HDR by TonistL
5 - Guard Lions HDR by HDRenesys
6 - The Boat by Rickydavid
7 - Catedral de Santiago vista interior en HDR par P. Medina
8 - Society Hill by nxn
9 - Boat on the River II HDR by ISIK5
10 - La tour Eiffel par Kimdokhac
11 - hdr perspective by elysawus
12 - Reflections at the Lagoon by Irargerich
13 - Lost - HDR by ~BadiB
14 - Just add light...par ecstaticist
15 - fishermen at work by Gari.baldi
16 - on track5 HDR by BIGGjeppe
17 - Join me by the fire by Stuck in Customs
source:The Best HDR Photographs of 2009  DESIGNORA

Photoshop CS2 Tutorial
Backing Winds
How to Create Professional HDR Images

Look at this tutorial Photoshop by Ryan McGinnis
Posted via email from xea's posterous

The Design Inspiration
30+ Fantastic HDR Photos by Grey Jones

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Top 10 Games of The Year 2009

1 - Modern Warfare 2 - Game of the Year
2 - Batman  Arkham Asylum -   2d Place
3 - Left 4 Dead 2 - 3rd Place
4 - Dragon Age Origins -  4th Place
5 - Borderlands - 5th Place
6 - Mirror's Edge - 6th Place
7 - Shattered Horizon - 7th Place
8 -Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II - 8th Place
9 - Empire Total War - 9th Place
10 - Machinarium - Joint 10th Place

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dave Devries Monsters

What a child's drawing looks like when painted realistically. Collection of Dave Devries monsters and superheros. 


New Zealand Book Council: Going West

Stunning animation / Google Chrome

Scientists create world's first molecular transistor

"Engineers adjusted the voltage applied via gold contacts to a benzene molecule, allowing them to raise and lower the molecule's energy states and demonstrate that it could be used exactly like a traditional transistor at the molecular level."

Credit: Hyunwook Song and Takhee Lee.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One dumb aspect of the so-called modernity!

It's pretty amazing that our society has reached a point where the effort necessary to extract oil from the ground, ship it to a refiniry, turn it into plastic, shape it appropriately, truck it to a store, buy it, and bring it home.

  is considered to be less effort than what it takes to just wash the spoon when you're done with it.

Most Inspiring CG Backgrounds and 3D Scenes

Look at this post by Rafiq Elmansy!

Micro Machines and Opto-Electronics on a Contact Lense | h+ Magazine

Micro Machines and Opto-Electronics on a Contact Lense

look at this article by Surfdaddy Orca!

Most Notable Features in WordPress 2.9 / wpbeginner

Read this excellent post for beginners
"Long awaited WordPress 2.9 has been finalized by the developers and it is put out for download as a release candidate. Some of you might be wondering what is a release candidate. A release candidate is when the developers feel that all features that were to be added during the beta version are added, and this version could potentially be made official except it can use some extra testing for bugs. This is why as a contributing member to the community, everyone should download the release candidate and test run it to see if everything works fine. If your site is using plugins, then you should see if they are compatible with the new version and help the authors and other users by letting them know whether it works or not. You can do this by looking at the plugins page in the directory. (Example)
WordPress is really a community based script and without everyone’s help, suggestions, and contributions, it would not have been possible to make everything work.
You may download the Release Candidate from this Link. Well if you don’t want to download it, then might as well check out all these cool features that are coming with this new release. Maybe this will change your mind or maybe blow your mind with what an amazing release this will be."

Batch Plugin Update in WordPress

When WordPress introduced one click upgrade for plugins, it was like Christmas in July. But this time maybe on the actual Christmas or perhaps slightly earlier with the release of WordPress 2.9, we will now be able to upgrade multiple plugins with one click from our WordPress Admin Panel. Check out the Screenshot below:
Batch Plugin Updates

The Robot Revolution | GDS Publishing

Take a tour to read this interesting post by Timon Singh!

The Known Universe by AMNH

Monday, December 14, 2009

William and the Windmill

William and the Windmill/ Videozone

"His name is William Kamkwamba, and his story is nothing short of remarkable. Using scraps from a local junkyard in Malawi, he created something that harnessed the wind - and changed his life. By Lucas Oleniuk and Randy Risling."

"William Kamkwamba recounts his mission to overcome famine and poverty in his village by building a windmill from a picture in a library book".

33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles / 1stwebdesigner

33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles by Dainis Graveris.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Messier Craters in Stereo / APOD: 2009 December 11

Credit Apollo 11, NASA; Stereo Image by Patrick Vantuyne 

"Many bright nebulae and star clusters in planet Earth's sky are associated with the name of astronomer Charles Messier, from his famous 18th century catalog.
His name is also given to these two large and remarkable craters on the Moon. Standouts in the dark, smooth lunar Sea of Fertility or Mare Fecunditatis, Messier (left) and Messier A have dimensions of 15 by 8 and 16 by 11 kilometers respectively.
Their elongated shapes are explained by an extremely shallow-angle trajectory followed by the impactor, moving left to right, that gouged out the craters.
The shallow impact also resulted in two bright rays of material extending along the surface to the right, beyond the picture. Intended to be viewed with red/blue glasses (red for the left eye), this striking stereo picture of the crater pair was recently created from high resolution scans of two images (AS11-42-6304, AS11-42-6305) taken during the Apollo 11 mission to the moon."

Create a New York Subway Entrance in Maya – Day 3: Texturing - Cgtuts+

Take a tour to look at these 4 videos tutorials!

How the 3D engine is changing the world | Technology |

From the evocation of renaissance Italy in Assassin's Creed 2 to the depiction of the world's most desirable cars in Forza Motorsport 3, the visuals of modern videogames can be breathtakingly beautiful. But players never see the most awe-inspiring component: the 3D engine. This vast chunk of programming code powers everything we see on screen, creating and animating virtual environments.
And they are major engineering projects. UK publisher Codemasters has a team of 30 technicians working full-time on maintaining the company's Ego engine, which is used in everything from racing titles to shooters. The Unreal Engine, created by Epic Games, contains a breathtaking 2.5m lines of code – as Tim Sweeney, technical director: "That's roughly comparable to the complexity of a whole operating system a decade ago."
Today some of the most brilliant minds in the world – physicists, mathematicians, architects, aerodynamics experts - are working on videogames. One of the staff at Scottish developer Realtime Worlds wrote the software powering the New York stock exchange, Joe Graf at Epic Games helped design the bill-paying system used by most online banks, and in the mid-90s, Moscow-based flight-simulator specialist Eagle Dynamics employed the ex-military programmers who created the guidance systems for Russia's nuclear missiles. "Game development is at the cutting edge in many disciplines," says Sweeney. "The physics in modern games includes rigid body dynamics and fluid simulation algorithms that are more advanced than the approaches described in research papers."
Now these technological marvels are creeping into other fields. Blitz Games Studios has used its engine to create a simulation to teach paramedics to correctly prioritise victims at an accident scene. While young architecture and urban-planning firms can use a cheap PC and a £50 computer game to visualise new projects – an endeavour that would have once cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Game technology can also be mashed up with other packages to help with urban design. "Google SketchUp is a prime example," says Dr Andrew Hudson-Smith at University College London's Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, "It is a free 3D-modelling tool that can be 'plugged into' many game engines. It is a democratising tool, if people don't like what the council is doing in terms of urban design or street furniture they can re-design it themselves and put it online to raise awareness of the issues."
Meanwhile, John D Carmack, the programming legend behind the Doom and Quake games runs an aerospace company as a relaxing diversion from his role as technical director at games developer, id. Which goes to show that 3D engine design isn't rocket science – it's far more complicated than that.
 Read this interesting article with links!

via news:Digital Urban: How the 3D Engine is Changing the World: The Guardian

Basic principles of the facial animation / 3D Tutorial Videos / Maya Tutorial

Modeling a set of Christmas Lights in Blender 2.5

look at this tutorial!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A simulated voyage through the solar system

Click the image to see the animation. Use the movie controls to examine the planets.
ClassZone / Exploring Earth / Examine the vast distances between planets in the solar system.


Posted via web from xea's posterous

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Speed of light from Earth to Moon.gif

Click here to see gif!

Hubble Telescope discovers distant galaxies formed more than 13 billion years ago

"Distant galaxies: The Hubble Space Telescope's deepest image of the universe ever taken in near-infrared light. The faintest and reddest objects in the image are galaxies that formed 600 million years after the Big Bang.

Images of some of the most distant galaxies in the universe have been captured by the Hubble Space Telescope using infra-red photography.

A special wide field camera that was installed by astronauts on Hubble in May captured several thousand never-before-seen galaxies.

They are the oldest star clusters that have ever been observed  - with the light from them beginning their journey when the universe was just four per cent of its current age."

Take a tour to look at this interesting post!

Outras Fontes | Type Foundry

The memory game for type lovers


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


 Click on picture to see Gif!

Fire and Ice - rendering Diamonds and Gems in mental ray

Rendering Diamonds and Gems in mental ray

Short slideshow video to quickly visualise Håkan "Zap" Andersson's tutorial " Fire and Ice - rendering Diamonds and Gems in mental ray". Today

Alma by Rodrigo Blaas

Alma - Teaser by Rodrigo Blaas

Alma by Rodrigo Blaas

[ Full Screen recommended ]

Written and Directed by: Rodrigo Blaas
Produced by: Cecile Hokes
Music: Mastretta
Art Director: Alfonso Blaas
Lighting Supervisor: Jonatan Catalán
Character Technical Supervisor: Jaime Maestro
Character Design: Bolhem Bouchiba, Carlos Grangel, Sergio Pablos, Santi Agustí
Animation: Daniel Peixe, ManueBover, Remi Hueso
Sound Design: Tom Myers and David Hughes
Post Production Coordinator: David Heras
Special Thanks: Keytoon, Next Limit, UserT38

Call Of the Wild 3D Trailer

Call Of the Wild 3D Trailer, First independent stereoscopic 3D feature film to be released in the US.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Massachusetts company plans to market wireless electricity system

Massachusetts company plans to market wireless electricity system.

WiTricity says "the technology will be able to power lights, computers, TVs and even charges for electric cars through the air, without power cords."

Could this be the end of electric power cords?

A Massachusetts company said that within 18 months it will have on the market a wireless electricity system to power -- through the air -- lights, computers, televisions and even the chargers for electric cars.

Take a tour to read this post by David Colker!

Scientists create the world's smallest 'snowman' - Telegraph

Worlds smallest snowman: Scientists create the world's smallest 'snowman'
The snowman is made of two tiny tin beads, normally used to calibrate electron microscope lenses, which were welded together with platinum Photo: Dr Cox / National Physical Laboratory
 Experts at the National Physical Laboratory in West London made the miniature figure which is just 0.01mm across.
However, far from the thrill of rolling balls of snow around a field to build their masterpiece, it was assembled using tools designed for manipulating nanoparticles.
The snowman is made of two tiny tin beads, normally used to calibrate electron microscope lenses, which were welded together with platinum.
A focused ion beam was used to carve the snowman's eyes and smile, and to deposit a tiny blob of platinum for the nose
It was put together by Dr David Cox, a member of the Quantum Detection group at the laboratory, who also took the picture.
However, Britons searching for the real thing will have to head for the northern hills of Scotland, where forecasters say there is a chance of snow falling over the weekend.
Meanwhile, the Alps have seen heavy snow falls in the past week allowing the ski season to get under way at many resorts. Andermatt in Switzerland has received nearly 40 ins (100cm) of fresh snow.

The NPL is one of Britain’s leading science facilities and research centres. It is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards.

Take a tour to read this post by Murray Wardrop!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Creating A Perfect Eye with 3DS Max

Creating A Perfect Eye with 3DS Max by Korosh Ghanbarzadeh

"Creating a true, realistic 3D eye is a difficult task. In this tutorial I’ll share with you the results of my investigation into creating a perfect 3D eye. I’ve tried to keep it simple and easy to follow. Please have patience and pay attention to all of details."
 Visit this tutorial by Korosh Ghanbarzadeh!

3dtotal / 3DS Max

Animate an Iceberg Turning into a Desert Island / Cgtuts+

Take a tour to look at this tutorial!

Eight Robust Tools To Simplify Developer’s Worklife / SmashingApps

Take a look at this useful post!

Christmas Icon Sets Vector and Pattern Packs

120+ Free Christmas Icon Sets

Designer's Digest

Thursday, December 3, 2009

108 Mono Icons: Huge Set of Minimal Icons / Tutorial9

Changing colors
"This icon pack comes with 108 gray icons, but feel free to customize the color. In Photoshop, use layer styles and apply Color Overlay to customize. In Fireworks, simply apply Filters → Adjust Color → Color Fill and choose your color!"
Take a tour to download the icons, then read "What a layer style?" to change colors:

Eko stoplight by Damjan Stanković / Yanko Design

Ubergizmo  Eko Stoplight Informs You Well
Gizmodo  A Stoplight for the Progress Bar Generation - Progress bars 
information aesthetics   Eko: A Traffic Light Augmented by Progress Bars

Great idea!

Bike Trailer Homes for Sale, Only $1950 O.B.O / TreeHugger

 Brian has perfected the fabrication of an all-weather enclosure that is light, insulated, very stable, and road worthy. This model is 8′ x 4′ and weighs only 80 pounds. It has a spacious interior that fits a sleeping adult (or two?), has many interior shelves, and is priced to sell (he's asking $1,950 but says he'll take offers). He can modify the hitch custom for any bicycle.

Look at this interesting article!