Saturday, October 29, 2011

Japanese Hatching Ball

A Japanese defence researcher has invented a spherical observation drone that can fly down narrow alleys, hover on the spot, take off vertically and bounce along the ground. 

Spherical Flying Machine Developed by Japan Ministry Of Defense 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

HoloDesk Virtual Balls

HoloDesk Virtual Balls

HoloDesk - Direct 3D Interactions with a Situated See-Through Display

Device uses Kinect camera to create illusion of users interfacing with 3D objects 

"Microsoft Research has created a new ‘HoloDesk’, allowing users to interact with the virtual world.."

Holodesk: More Kinect magic from Microsoft Research

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lytro Revolutionary Camera

Since the very beginning of photography, followed by cinematography and videography, all images were submitted to the laws of optics, therefore, limited in focus.

This new camera is not and will probably hit a huge market starting with the CCTV applications...


Saturday, October 22, 2011

OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere


"OmniTouch is a wearable depth-sensing and projection system that enables interactive multitouch applications on everyday surfaces. 
Beyond the shoulder-worn system, there is no instrumentation of the user or environment. Foremost, the system allows the wearer to use their hands, arms and legs as graphical, interactive surfaces. 
Users can also transiently appropriate surfaces from the environment to expand the interactive area (e.g., books, walls, tables). On such surfaces - without any calibration - OmniTouch provides capabilities similar to that of a mouse or touchscreen: X and Y location in 2D interfaces and whether fingers are "clicked" or hovering, enabling a wide variety of interactions. 
Thus, it is now conceivable that anything one can do on today's mobile devices, they could do in the palm of their hand." Chris Harrison

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ping-pong robots debut in China | Physorg

 "Last week some oohs and ahhs were in order as two ping-pong playing robots made their debut at Zhejiang University in China. The two robots played against each other and with humans. True, this was not the first time the world witnessed robots playing table tennis. There was Topio, a robot made by Vietnamese robotics firm, TOSY."   Nancy Owano

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Panasonic 16 finger shampoo

but what about the cuddling?
Panasonic hair-washing robot

Panasonic's hair-washing robot

 Links about Panasonic washing hair robot:
Japan's Panasonic develops robot hair-washer:
With 24 high-tech fingers, Japan robot washes hair:
Japanese robot washes hair:

REAL-f when 3D printing meets high definition color printing...



Double trouble? Japanese company creates ultra-realistic (and slightly creepy) replicas of your face
 "...For £2,500 (yes, really) - or $3,920 - the company takes digital stills of your face, then moulds them over a 3D model to create a hard vinyl chloride 'face'..."


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Making of... Stateless - Ariel

Making of the video 'Ariel' for Stateless
An ido production by Jacqui Licorish & Jeremy Tobert. 

Field is a studio for digital art and graphic design based in London.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Think light shows started in the 70' with oils and slides...

LG Optimus Hyper Facade in Berlin


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